PLAY LIST: Ever wonder what other people are up to?

Mirror Indy

Here’s what a year of Mirror Indy’s Culture Journals looks like.

When Mirror Indy launched last December, I set out to find people who wanted to share what a week in their cultural lives looks like. 

A year later, we shared a total of 31 culture journals from people who eat, dance, organize, love, dream, read poems and novels and make art and music in Indianapolis. 

We now know that Indy Fever players volunteer their time, how the guy behind the IndyGo social media accounts comes up with his ideas, which gym a local DJ visits to find her peace, and where a poet gets her mustache waxed. 

For the journals, we commissioned original artworks by collage artist Christina Hollering and from Erica Parker and Rafael Caro of Chromatic Collective, as well as other guest artists.  

Our latest journal comes from Masha Kuznetsova, a Russian immigrant who works at the cozy Red Door Cafe on 237 N. East St.

Here’s an excerpt from her journal:

Day Three

7:50 a.m. I brew coffee, turn on the playlist of the day and make myself a hot latte. 

One of the biggest challenges for me, in moving to another country, was that I had to take a step back — several steps back — in my career. In Russia, I worked as an HR manager at a large IT company, but finding a similar job here proved much harder. 

Read Masha’s journal. 

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